
Is Data Science Worth it for Your Team?

by: Zank, CEO of Bennett Data Science I love this question. It’s central to all the early conversations I have with would-be clients. And perhaps surprisingly, my answer isn’t always, “of course!”In this post, I’ll cover: What lift does data…
January 15, 2019

Models are High Maintenance!

Reading Time: 4 minutes I'm talking about predictive models. These are the things you put some data into, and they spit out an answer for you. Think of them like those 8-balls you shake and viola, there's your answer. Data…
January 12, 2019

Data Science in Two Sentences

by: Zank, CEO of Bennett Data Science Companies build products, and in the process generate tons of data. Data science uses that data to make companies more profitable. So there it is, in two sentences; in theory anyway. That’s actually a…
January 9, 2019

Hiring – Do you Really Need a Data Scientist?

Reading Time: 5 minutes It can be really tricky to hire your first data scientist or analytics professional. You might ask yourself: What are the most important qualities to look for? How do I test his/her math skills? How important…
November 27, 2017