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Got 15 minutes to watch this thrilling video about the current state and future promises of artificial intelligence? I hope you do, because this week I’m going to give my opinion on a few of these points from a recent video by Digital Engine (we have no affiliation to them) that I rather enjoyed, although with a healthy dose of skepticism and a little bit of fear.

Here’s some of what the video goes into:

  • Dancing robots. If you haven’t seen this yet, it’s remarkable how well they move.
  • A deep fake video of the Queen of England talking and even dancing in a manner she would never do in reality.
  • Spot, a robotic “dog” that walks on four legs, can drag heavy objects around, can go up/down stairs and do things like open doors and turn handless.
  • Examples of the weaponization of robots for use in war.
  • Elon Musk and quotes by him about the truly frightening potential future of A.I.

Did you know that Amazon bots have driven in excess of 2 million miles, working in giant fulfillment centers? They’re not stopping there. Amazon is working on delivery robots (ground based) and drones (air based, called Amazon Air), and is aggressively buying up companies that help it handle all sorts of autonomous delivery. The company has made some pretty big bets in the past (Prime, two-day shipping) that paid off (Fire phone is one obvious exception) and it’s easy to see how A.I. assisted autonomous delivery will be a thing in the not-so-distant future.

Then there’s Tesla. They built huge industrial robots that produce cars that can drive themselves. There are interesting implications to this, as it’s a real-world example of machines making more-intelligent machines. Granted, the assembly robots didn’t dream up the self-driving cars, but they are a big part of creating them.

While we’re not at the point where we’ll have sentient computers anytime soon, Elon Musk thinks it may not be long before we reach technological singularity – the point in time when technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, and civilization changes forever.

Some scarier points, at the end, involve weaponized robots and the notion that since we are, as computer programmers and creators of A.I., inherently flawed in how we treat each other, A.I. will have the same inherent flaws, as it learns from us.

That’s a lot to digest from just one video. Hit reply and let me know what you think.

I look forward to your comments.


Of Interest

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