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On October first, Artificial Intelligence investors Nathan Benaich and Ian Hogarth released their State of A.I. report for 2020.

It’s a massive collection (177 slides) packed with information about A.I., from defining what A.I. actually is, to uncovering what Google spent training a natural language model with 1.5 billion parameters (think around $10MM!).

You can take a look at the report on their State of A.I. website:

Here are several of the main points I took away:

  • Despite early promise and apparent dominance, Google’s Tensorflow has proven much less popular to those building solutions based on neural networks than Facebook’s Pytorch. Pytorch is the platform we use most at Bennett Data Science, due to its comparative ease of use and flexibility.
  • Artificial Intelligence is being used effectively to translate between two programming languages (for example, from Python to C++ for speed reasons) but also to find bugs in any programming language.
  • Advanced topics such as reinforcement learning are being brought to bear on such areas as drug discovery. These models are able to help algorithms discover drugs that are actually possible to synthesize in the lab.
  • Facebook has made huge leaps in efficient object detection (predicting that an image contains a given object) and image segmentation (creating a mask showing the pixels that make up a given object within an image).
  • While you may not think much about static images you take with your phone, there’s a lot of research being carried out on what is actually not in those images. For example, what’s behind that chair? Or what’s going to happen next in a picture of traffic? Or a stream of traffic images? Answers to these and other similar questions allow for new ways to shop and new approaches to safety.
  • Federated learning is booming – this is where remote devices or browsers contain all the data and model information necessary to self-train, without going to the cloud to do it. What this means is off-grid, highly efficient A.I. on devices.
  • Professors of A.I. are leaving (or rather: being pulled/lured away from) their jobs in academia in record numbers to join powerful tech companies. The Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute in the Netherlands plans on spending 100MM Euros on 50 professors to create their brain trust!
  • We still see far more A.I. job requisitions than available candidates. Universities are continuing to expand to help feed this demand.
  • The first phase 1 clinical trial of an A.I.-designed therapeutic drug begins in Japan. Others are raising a lot of money to join the field.
  • We’re not there yet with driverless cars, as over half of U.S. states have enacted legislation to limit driverless vehicles. Nonetheless, startups in this space are raising billions of dollars in capital.

There’s a lot more to the report. I hope you enjoy nerding-out a bit!

Have a wonderful week.

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